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Table 2 Alcohol change and Psychological Distress by gender of respondent and their current partner (n = 35,854)

From: Experience and perpetration of intimate partner violence and abuse by gender of respondent and their current partner before and during COVID-19 restrictions in 2020: a cross-sectional study in 13 countries


Women partnered with women (n = 747)

Women partnered with men (n = 16,805)

Men partnered with women (n = 16,915)

Men partnered with men

(n = 1042)

Non-binary respondents or respondents with a non-binary partner (n = 345)

Sample (n = 35,854)

P value (Chi 2 test)

Composite change in alcohol use - n(%)

Only decreased

205/714 (28.7)

4109/16329 (25.2)

4261/16327 (26.1)

290/998 (29.1)

90/323 (27.9)

8992/34691 (25.8)

p < .001

No change

165/714 (23.1)

4353/16329 (26.7)

4301/16327 (26.3)

212/998 (21.2)

76/323 (23.5)

9142/34691 (26.3)

Only increased

280/714 (39.2)

6679/16329 (40.9)

6515/16327 (39.9)

428/998 (42.9)

125/323 (38.7)

14,078/34691 (40.4)

Increased and decreased

64/714 (9.0)

1188/16329 (7.3)

1250/16327 (7.7)

68/998 (6.8)

32/323 (9.9)

2607/34691 (7.5)

Kessler 6 Distress Scale n(%)


476/590 (80.7)

11,320/13313 (85.0)

11,807/12845 (91.9)

682/789 (86.4)

181/276 (65.6)

24,564/27813 (88.0)

p < .001

Severe psychological distress (≥13)

114/590 (19.3)

1993/13313 (15.0)

1038/12845 (8.1)

107/789 (13.6)

95/276 (34.4)

3355/27813 (12.0)

Kessler 6 total score - median (LQ – UQ)

7 (4–11)

7 (3–10)

4 (2–8)

6 (3–10)

10 (6–14)

5 (3–9)
