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Table 1 Topics of FGDs

From: Barriers and facilitators to cervical cancer screening among under-screened women in Cuenca, Ecuador: the perspectives of women and health professionals

Focus group discussions with health professionals

 • What are your opinions about or your experiences with cervical cancer screening among under screened women?

 • What are your opinions about national cervical cancer screening practices or programs?

 • Are there any gaps in these programs?

 • What do you think are the reasons or barriers that lead [insert the specific hard-to-reach group] to not participate in screening/to not participate enough?

 • How can we reduce the barriers we talked about/how can we increase participation?

Focus group discussions with women

 • What are the reasons that lead women to participate in cervical cancer screening?

 • What are the reasons or barriers that lead women to not participate in screening?

 • How can the barriers we talked about be reduced/how to increase participation in cervical cancer screening?

 • From what you know, how do you describe women’s experiences regarding cervical cancer screening?