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Table 2 Factors most strongly associated with national 4-year total population pregnancy-related mortality ratio per 100,000 live births (2015–2018). Correlations are with respect to the relevant PRM ratio variable

From: The public health exposome and pregnancy-related mortality in the United States: a high-dimensional computational analysis

Variable Description


Years of potential life lost before age 75 per 100,000 population (age-adjusted)


Average number of years a person can expect to live


Percentage of adults who are current smokers


Percent of population living in poverty, 2016


Percentage of adults aged 20 and over reporting no leisure-time physical activity


Percentage of population who lack adequate access to food


Percent Persons in Poverty, 2015


Sum of series for Socioeconomic themea


Index of factors that contribute to a healthy food environment, from 0 (worst) to 10 (best)


Births unmarried non-Hispanic women


Median Household Income, 2016


Percentage of adults reporting 14 or more days of poor physical health per month


Birth Rates, ages 15–19, 2014


Percentile Percentage of persons with no high school diploma(age 25 +) estimate


Sum of series for Household Composition themeb


Percentage of children that live in a household headed by single parent


Number of extreme heat days: Heat Index, 105°F


Percent Living in Poverty, 2015


Percentage of adults who report fewer than 7 h of sleep on average


Birth Rates, 2018–2019, 2014


Percentage of population that is non-Hispanic Black or African American


Percentile percentage of civilian noninstitutionalized population with a disability estimate


Average gross household contribution towards rent per month (includes payment toward rent and utilities) (Excludes zero values and missing values) for Program 3 = Housing Choice Vouchers, 2017


Percentage of households that have income in the bracket of $20,000 or more yearly for Program 5 = Project Based Sect. 8 = 202/PRAC, 2018


Average number of mentally unhealthy days reported in past 30 days (age-adjusted)


Percentage of adults aged 20 and above with diagnosed diabetes


Percentage of adults ages 25–44 with some post-secondary education


Free school lunch eligibility (percent)


Per Capita Personal Income, 2016


Average gross household contribution towards rent per month (includes payment toward rent and utilities) (Excludes zero values and missing values) for Program 5 = Project Based Sect. 8 = 202/PRAC, 2017


Median Household Income dollar, 2015


Percentage of households that have income in the bracket of $20,000 or more yearly for Program 5 = Project Based Sect. 8 = 202/PRAC, 2017


Percentage of the adult population (age 20 and older) that reports a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2


Percentage of households that have income in the bracket of $5000-$9999 yearly for Program 2 = Public Housing, 2017


National School Lunch Program participants (% pop), 2014


Percent of population without health insurance


Percentage of households that have income in the bracket of $5000-$9999 yearly for Program 1 = Summary of All HUD Programs, 2018


Percentage of children enrolled in public schools that are eligible for free or reduced price lunch


% of the population below poverty level in the census tract where HUD assisted families reside (Census 2010 designation) for Program 3 = Housing Choice Vouchers, 2018


Percentage of households that have income in the bracket of $5000-$9999 yearly for Program 2 = Public Housing, 2015


Number of deaths due to firearms per 100,000 population


Percentage of households that have income in the bracket of $20,000 or more yearly for Program 5 = Project Based Sect. 8 = 202/PRAC, 2016


Number of extreme heat days: Heat Index, 95°F


Percentage of households that have income in the bracket of $20,000 or more yearly for Program 5 = Project Based Sect. 8 = 202/PRAC, 2014


Percentage of adults reporting binge or heavy drinking


Percentage of households that have income in the bracket of $5000-$9999 yearly for Program 1 = Summary of All HUD Programs, 2015


School Breakfast Program participants (% pop), 2014a


Percentage of households that have income in the bracket of $5000-$9999 yearly for Program 2 = Public Housing, 2016


Percentage of households in which the race of the head of household is Black and the ethnicity is not Hispanic for Program 1 = Summary of All HUD Programs, 2018


Number of extreme heat events: Heat Index, 95°F, 3 days minimum


Average gross household contribution towards rent per month (includes payment toward rent and utilities) (Excludes zero values and missing values) for Program 2 = Public Housing, 2014


Rate of HIV infection among MSM, 2018


Percent with a High School Education, 2014


Percentages of households headed by female for Program 3 = Housing Choice Vouchers, 2015


Age-adjusted rate of death from Heart Attack among persons 35 and older per 100,000 population


Ratio of household income at the 80th percentile to income at the 20th percentile


Average total household income per year for Program 3 = Housing Choice Vouchers, 2016


Percentage of households that have income in the bracket of $5000-$9999 yearly for Program 2 = Public Housing, 2014


Percentage of households in which the older of the household head or spouse is 24 or less years of age for Program 1 = Summary of All HUD Programs, 2016


Age-adjusted rate of death from Heart Attack among persons 35 and older per 100,000 population


Birth Rates among white women aged 40–54


Percentage of households that have income in the bracket of $20,000 or more yearly for Program 5 = Project Based Sect. 8 = 202/PRAC, 2015


Percentage of households that have income in the bracket of $5000-$9999 yearly for Program 3 = Housing Choice Vouchers, 2016


Percentage of households that have income in the bracket of $20,000 or more yearly for Program 1 = Summary of All HUD Programs, 2017


Average gross household contribution towards rent per month (includes payment toward rent and utilities) (Excludes zero values and missing values) for Program 3 = Housing Choice Vouchers, 2015


Number of extreme heat events: Heat Index, 100°F, 3 days minimum


Standardized Per Capita Medicare Cost, 2014


Average gross household contribution towards rent per month (includes payment toward rent and utilities) (Excludes zero values and missing values) for Program 2 = Public Housing, 2017


Percent of mobile-home housing units


Number of newly diagnosed chlamydia cases per 100,000 population


Percentile percentage of single parent households with children under 18


Percentage of households that have income which comes in the bracket of $1-$4999 yearly for Program 5 = Project Based Sect. 8 = 202/PRAC, 2018


Flag—the percentage of single parent households is in the 90th percentile (1 = yes,0 = no)


Average gross household contribution towards rent per month (includes payment toward rent and utilities) (Excludes zero values and missing values) for Program 2 = Public Housing, 2016


Percentage of households that have income in the bracket of $20,000 or more yearly for Program 3 = Housing Choice Vouchers, 2018


Percentage of population with adequate access to locations for physical activity


Preventable Hospital Stays Rate, 2015


Average total household income per year for Program 1 = Summary of All HUD Programs, 2017


Average gross household contribution towards rent per month (includes payment toward rent and utilities) (Excludes zero values and missing values) for Program 2 = Public Housing, 2015


Rate of hospital stays for ambulatory-care sensitive conditions per 100,000 Medicare enrollees


Percentages of households headed by female for Program 1 = Summary of All HUD Programs, 2016


  1. HUD Housing and Urban Development, PRAC Project Rental Assistance Contract, MSM men who have sex with men
  2. ssocioeconomic theme: below poverty, unemployed, income, no high school diploma
  3. bhousehold composition theme: aged 65 + , aged < 18, civilian with a disability, single-parent household