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Table 1 Description of the content and delivery of SFH and IAQ feedback interventions

From: “Everything the hujur tells is very educative but if I cannot apply those in my own life then there is no meaning”: a mixed-methods process evaluation of a smoke-free homes intervention in Bangladesh

SFH intervention

CONTENT: A set of 12 health messages relating to smoking and SHS exposure, each supported by at least one verse (Ayah) from the Qur’an, or an Islamic faith-based decree. The messages were developed through a set of iterative workshops involving Islamic scholars, public health professionals and behavioural scientists [26]. They addressed key barriers and drivers of smoking behaviours (attitudes, self-efficacy, social norms, intention formation, action and coping planning, see Fig. 1 and Additional file 1).

DELIVERY: Imams and khatibs were trained in a half-day session on the intervention and its delivery including detailed guidance on linking the messages and Ayahs. They then delivered the messages and Ayahs in the form of Khutbah (formal sermon preached by the imam in Arabic) to those attending Friday Jumu’ah prayer over 12 weeks (one linked Ayah-message per week). They also distributed copies of a short SFH booklet to their congregation in any way they saw best. The booklet contained a brief description of the 12 linked Ayahs-messages.

IAQ feedback

CONTENT: A two-page personalised leaflet designed in consultation with community members. It contained feedback on the air quality (PM2·5 concentration) measured within a home at baseline using the Dylos DC 1700 (Dylos, California, USA), an optical particle counter validated for use in domestic settings. Specifically feedback comprised a comparison of the 24-h mean PM2·5 concentration measured in the home to the World Health Organization (WHO) guidance limit of 25 μg/m3 [27], the total time the IAQ was above this guidance limit, and the maximum concentration measured during the 24-h measurement period. It included graphical information on how smoking activity impacted on IAQ over the 24-h measurement period (with classifications: hazardous if > 150 μg/m3, unhealthy if 36–150 μg/m3, moderate if 12–35 μg/m3, and good if < 12 μg/m3), information about the adverse effects of SHS exposure, recommendations to reduce SHS exposure in the home, and a target that was achievable by implementing SFH rules within the home.

DELIVERY: Trial field investigators delivered and discussed the personalised IAQ feedback with members of the households in person (in their homes) in approximately 10 min.

Both the SFH manual and IAQ feedback leaflet are available here.