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Table 1 Exploratory analysis of MeHLit questionnaire

From: Development and psychometric properties of a tool to assess Media Health Literacy (MeHLit)



Factor 1

Factor 2

Factor 3

Factor 4

Factor 5

Goal appraisal skill

When I come across a health-related message, I check for its purpose.



When I come across a health-related message, I check for its educational point.



When I come across a health-related message, I check for the explicit and direct meaning of the message.



When I come across a health-related message, I check for what the message means to me.



When I come across a health-related message, I check for that message from different aspects (application, utility, effectiveness).



When I come across a health-related message, I think about deleting, keeping, or sending the message to someone else.



When I come across a health-related message, I check for what thoughts and ideas it promotes.



Content appraisal skill

When I come across a health-related message, I think about the source of the message




When I come across a health-related message, I think about the publisher of the message.




When I come across a health-related message, I wonder if everyone understands this message the same way.




When I come across a health-related message, I check its accuracy.




When I come across a health-related message, I criticize it.




Implicit meaning appraisal skill

When I come across a health-related message, I pay attention to the negative and positive consequences of spreading it”.




When I come across a health-related message, I note that who benefits from this message (financial, health, social benefits, etc.).




When I come across a health-related message, I note that its implicit and hidden meaning (behind the scenes)




When I come across a health-related message, I note who supported this message.




Visual Comprehension skill

When I come across a health-related message, I pay attention to audience attraction techniques (special effects such as color, light, sound, etc.).




When I come across a health-related message, I pay attention to the method of distribution (virtual networks, mass media, print media)




When I come across a health-related message, I think about the date of the message published.




Audience appraisal skill

When I come across a health-related message, I note that to who this message is for.



When I come across a health-related message, I note that to whether this message is right for me or not.

