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Table 1 Evaluation within RE-AIM dimensions

From: Municipal community centers as healthy settings: evaluation of a real-world health promotion intervention in Jerusalem

RE-AIM dimensions and original definitions (Glaskow, 1999)

Related Items and pragmatic use of RE-AIM evaluation in the current study


Number, proportion and representativeness of the target population

Inclusion of various target populations

Reach of the DMCCs employees


The impact of an intervention on outcomes/ success rates

Use of best practice strategies and evidence-based practice

Inclusion of needs assessment in planning process

SMART objectives

Adaptation to the environmental context

Monitoring, process and outcome evaluation

Defined goal


Proportion of settings, practices, and plans that will adopt this intervention

Steering committee for the program

Representation of community members and DMCC director in the steering committee

Involvement and support of the DMCC director for integrating the program into practice

Financial assistance


Extent to which the intervention is implemented as intended in the real world

Extent to which the program is implemented according to plan

Description of the implementation strategy

Type of intervention and intensity

Coping efforts in face of challenges

Creation of a peer-network


Extent to which a program is sustained over time

Policy and/or practice changes regarding health promotion

Duration and sustainability of programs

Meeting criteria for HPCC