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Table 4 Predictor (sleep deficit) mediating the effect of time changes on student achievements

From: Associations between sleep deficit and academic achievement - triangulation across time and subject domains among students and teachers in TIMSS in Norway

Subject domain

Effect of time on sleep deficits

Effect of sleep deficits on achievement

Effect of time on achievement

Indirect effect

In science

−0.14* (− 0.12)

10.15** (0.07)

− 11.78** (− 0.07)

−1.40* (− 0.01)

In mathematics

−0.15* (− 0.13)

10.00** (0.08)

− 5.32* (− 0.04)

− 1.48* (− 0.01)

  1. * denotes p < .05, ** denotes p < 0.001. Standardized regression coefficients are in parentheses