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Table 2 Association between confidence in testing and treatment behavior

From: Experience and confidence in health technologies: evidence from malaria testing and treatment in Western Kenya


Tested with RDT

Adhered to negative RDT result





Coefficient on:

 Believed Neg. RDT very likely correct prior to malaria illnesss

1.45 (0.29)

1.31 (0.28)

2.21** (0.54)

1.78* (0.45)

 Mean of outcome in ref. group





 Number of observations





  1. Beliefs are those of the household respondent if the individual was under the age of 18. Results are from logistic regression models and coefficients are expressed in terms of odds ratios. Columns 1 and 3 are simple bi-variate regressions, while columns 2 and 4 include the following controls: age and gender of the individual, education level (of the respondent if the individual was under 18), whether the individual slept under a net the previous night, the main source of household drinking water, whether the household owns more than one acre of land and village fixed effects. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01