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Table 4 Technology-facilitated abuse and reproductive coercion prevalence. Values are numbers (percentages)

From: “You can’t swim well if there is a weight dragging you down”: cross-sectional study of intimate partner violence, sexual assault and child abuse prevalence against Australian nurses, midwives and carers

Types of abuse

Women’s lifetime prevalence

Men’s lifetime prevalence


n = 8746

n = 595

Technology-facilitated abuse

468 (5.4)

31 (5.2)

 Tracked me without consent

262 (3.0)

22 (3.7)

 Distributed images/video without consent

258 (2.9)

15 (2.5)


n = 8294


Reproductive coercion

485 (5.8)


 Forced to become pregnant

140 (1.7)


 Forced to end pregnancy

384 (4.6)


  1. Denominators vary due to missing responses; base = all survey participants who responded
  2. N/A Women-only item