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Table 1 Key themes from the qualitative interviews with parents and children (Aim 1)

From: “Everything kind of revolves around technology”: a qualitative exploration of families’ screen use experiences, and intervention suggestions

Theme 1: Screen time management: experiences and practices

1.1 Screen time rules and strategies

- Rules about timing of screen use (P, C)

- Rules about location of screen use (P, C)

- Stricter rules on the weekends (P, C)

- Rules about monitoring/cyber-safety (P, C)

1.2 Challenges

- Addictive nature of screens (P, C)

- Child breaking rules (P, C)

- Parenting style misalignment

1.3 Impact of COVID-19 lockdowns

- Parents relaxed screen time rules (P)

- Remote learning increased screen time requirements (P, C)

- Parent work commitments, reduced time to supervise (P)

- Screens enabled social connections to be maintained (P)

- Lack of physical activity/other activities to do (P, C)

- Child ‘over’ screens (P, C)

1.4 No management required

- No rules (P)

- Lack of interest/ ‘not a screen kid’ (P)

- Child self-manages/regulates time (P, C)

Theme 2: Impact of screens on family interaction and communication

2.1 Conflicts within family

- Increased conflict with family and siblings (P, C)

- Increased conflict between parents’ management and rules (P)

2.2 Reduced face-to-face communication

- Less face to face talking, less down time (P, C)

- More isolated screen time (C)

- Increased screen use among parents (C)

2.3 Negative impact on child’s behaviour and wellbeing

- Negative impact on sleep and behaviour (P, C)

- Negative impact on mood, emotional effects (P, C)

2.4 Positive/no impact on family interaction and communication

- No impact on family interactions (P, C)

- Greater interaction between children (P)

Theme 3: Benefits of increased screen time due to COVID-19 lockdowns

Helped maintain social interactions

- Social interactions with friends could continue (P, C)

- Additional interactions with siblings (P, C)

3.2 Facilitated the continuation of activities

- Schooling could continue (P, C)

- Extracurricular activities could continue (P)

3.3: Improved technology skills for parent and child (P)

3.4: Screens used as a ‘babysitter’ (P)

  1. P Identified from parent interviews, C Identified from child interviews