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Table 1 Demographics of the initial sample and final sample

From: Habit formation of preventive behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study of physical distancing and hand washing

Demographic Variable

Initial Sample (n = 1200)

Final Sample (n = 800)


Between 18 and 90;

Between 18 and 90;


median = 53, SD = 18.09

median = 53, SD = 18.09


600 men, 600 women

398 men, 402 women

Region of Residence1

I: 46%; II: 10;

I: 47.8%; II: 9.5;


III: 21%; IV: 23%

III: 20.4%; IV: 22.4%

Education Level2

Low: 16%; Medium: 45%;

Low: 15.5%; Medium: 46.1%;


High: 39%

High: 38.4%


Employed: 49.9%;

Employed: 50%;


Unemployed: 6.6%;

Unemployed: 6.6%;


Student: 4.6%;

Student: 4.3%;


Retired: 29.8%;

Retired: 30.5%;


Other: 9%

Other: 8.6%

Annual Income3

Low: 26.9%; Medium: 56.7%;

Low: 24.8%; Medium: 57.3%;


High: 16.4%

High: 18%

Coronavirus Test4



  1. 1Region 1 includes the provinces of Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland and Utrecht; Region 2 includes the provinces of Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe; Region 3 includes the provinces of Overijssel, Gelderland and Flevoland; Region 4 includes the provinces of Zeeland, Noord-Brabant and Limburg
  2. 2Low education level includes no education, primary school, LBO, VMBO, MBO-1, VBO, MAVO, HAVO or VWO (first three years), VMBO, and (M)ULO; Medium education level includes MBO-2, MBO-3, MBO-4, MBO (before 1998), HAVO or VWO (4th, 5th, or 6th grade), HBS, and MMS; High education level includes HBO (higher applied education) and WO (university undergraduate or above)
  3. 3Low income level: annual income less than 20k Euro; Medium income level: annual income between 20k and 50k Euro; High income level: annual income more than 50k Euro
  4. 4Percentage of respondents tested positive before the intake