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Table 1 Interview guide

From: Perceptions of community members on contextual factors driving cardiovascular disease behavioural risk in Ghana: a qualitative study


• What do you think causes people to consume alcohol in this community?

• What types of alcohol are mostly consumed in this community? (Explore if types of drink consumed are based on social class)

• In what ways do you think alcohol can affect the health of an individual?

 ◦ Do you think there is an association between alcohol consumption and chronic disease? (Explore nature of association)

• In what circumstances do people mostly consume alcohol in this community?

 ◦ Prompts: during funerals, social gatherings, job loss and other economic disruptions, marital disruption, political campaigns, etc

• What roles does alcohol perform in this community? (Explore views on religious functions, economic functions, political functions, and social functions)


• What do you think causes people to smoke in this community? (Explore different types of smoking)

• In what ways can smoking affect the health of an individual?

• Do you think there is an association between smoking and chronic disease? (Explore nature of association)

• In what circumstances do people mostly smoke in this community?

 ◦ Probes: during funerals, social gatherings, job loss and other economic disruptions, marital disruption, etc

• What roles does smoking perform in this community? (Explore views on religious functions, economic functions, political functions, and social functions)

Physical activity

• What does physical activity means to you? (Explore if they have heard of the benefits of physical activity and find out the sources of knowledge)

• In what ways do you think an individual can be physically active?

 ◦ Prompts: through exercise, nature of jobs, etc

• How will you describe the level of physical activity in this community?

• In your opinion, is there an association between physical activity and chronic diseases? (Explore nature of association)

• What do you think hinders people in this community not to be physically active?

 ◦ Prompts: lack of physical activity space, nature of jobs, non-relevance to culture, etc

Fruits and vegetables

• What types of fruits are available in this community? (Explore list of fruits)

 ◦ What fruits are available seasonally?

 ◦ What fruits are available throughout the year?

 ◦ Do you think fruits are easily accessible/affordable by everyone in this community? (Explore reasons)

• What types of vegetables are being consumed in this community? (Explore list of vegetables)

 ◦ Do you think they are easily accessible/affordable by everyone in this community? (Explore reasons)

• In what ways do you think fruits and vegetables affect the health of an individual?

 ◦ Is consumption of fruits and vegetables associated with chronic diseases? (Explore reasons)

 ◦ What are the other functions of fruits and vegetables?

 ◦ What types of health messages have you heard about benefits of fruits and vegetables? (Explore sources of knowledge)

 ◦ What hinders people in this community from adhering to such health information?