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Table 4 Predictive validity of the CSWQ (N = 303)

From: Measuring sustainable employability: psychometric properties of the capability set for work questionnaire

Predictors measured Time 1

Time 2

Work ability

Time 2

Work engagement

Time 2

Job satisfaction

Time 2

Task performance

β f


95% CI



95% CI



95% CI



95% CI

Capability set scorea




















































Use of knowledge and skillse













Development of knowledge and skillse













Involvement in important decisionse













Building and maintaining meaningful contactse













Setting your own goalse













Having a good incomee













Contributing to something valuablee













  1. a Model 1 adjusts for gender (1-male, 2-female, age (in years), weekly working hours, and the capability set score.
  2. b Model 2 adjusts for gender (1-male, 2-female, age (in years), weekly working hours, the importance constituent of capabilities.
  3. c Model 3 adjusts for gender (1-male, 2-female, age (in years), weekly working hours, the ability constituent of capabilities.
  4. d Model 4 adjusts for gender (1-male, 2-female, age (in years), weekly working hours, the enablement constituent of capabilities.
  5. e Model 5 adjusts for gender (1-male, 2-female), age (in years), weekly working hours, and all capability aspects.
  6. f β is the standardized beta coefficient, SE standard error, 95% CI 95% confidence interval.