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Table 2 App functionality definitions

From: The use of mobile phone applications to enhance personal safety from interpersonal violence – an overview of available smartphone applications in the United Kingdom

Incident assistance

Alarm systems

Designed to alert individuals in the user’s physical environment (e.g. flashing light, siren)

Evasive action

Enable users to evade or flee danger (e.g. ‘diversion calls’—which trigger a fake phone call; ‘duress pins’—fake pin codes which ostensibly unlock the phone, but send an emergency message)

Alert systems

Send electronic alert to a specified recipient(s) (e.g. pre-designated contacts)

Evidence capture

Allows the capture of violence through photos, audio and/or video. Some apps offer users the capacity to store this material remotely, in case damage occurs to their phone

Information generation and dissemination

Monitoring others

Features which enable the monitoring of others including location tracking (e.g. show a user’s live location, or check-in on arrival at a predetermined location), geofence alerts (sent when a contact departs from a larger, pre-set boundary) and parental controls that allow monitoring and/or restriction of apps use

Educational materials

Materials containing violence prevention advice (i.e. recognising, tackling and preventing violence) including information on ongoing violent incidents (‘incident mapping’), and rates of violence in a given area. They also include skills-based approaches for violence mitigation and first-aid (e.g. self-defence tips). Apps can also include service/support contact information