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Table 1 Neighbourhood Social Environment Predictor Variables and Outcome Variables

From: Associations between the neighbourhood social environment and preschool children’s physical activity and screen time

Scale Items

Response Options and Scoring

Social Cohesion

 People around my neighbourhood are willing to help their neighbours

5-point Likert scale

(Agree strongly, agree somewhat, neither agree nor disagree, disagree somewhat, disagree strongly)

Range 1–5

 This is a close knit neighbourhood

 People in this neighbourhood can be trusted

 People in this neighbourhood generally don’t get along with each other (r)

 People in this neighbourhood do not share the same values (r)

Social Interaction

In the last month, please indicate on how many days you did the following:

4-point Likert scale

(Never, once or twice, two or three times, four or more times)

Range 1—4

 Waved to a neighbour

 Said hello to a neighbour

 Stopped and talked with a neighbour

Sense of Community

 My neighbourhood is a good place for my kids to grow up and thrive

5-point Likert scale

(Agree strongly, agree somewhat, neither agree nor disagree, disagree somewhat, disagree strongly)

Range 1 – 5

 I expect to live in this neighbourhood for a long time

 This neighbourhood is a good place for me to live

 It is important for me to live in this particular neighbourhood

 I feel at home in this neighbourhood

 People in my neighbourhood share the same values

 I care about what my neighbours think of my actions

 I can recognise most of the people who live in my neighbourhood

 I have influence over what this neighbourhood is like

 If there is a problem in this neighbourhood, people who live here can get it solved

 People in this neighbourhood get along with each other

 My neighbours and I want the same things from this neighbourhood

 Very few of my neighbours know me (r)

Social Norms

 I have similar views and practices to others in my neighbourhood regarding children's physical activity

5-point Likert scale

(Strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree, strongly agree)

Range 1 – 5

 I have similar views and practices to others in my neighbourhood regarding children's screen time

 I have similar views and practices to my family/friends regarding children's physical activity

 I have similar views and practices to my family/friends regarding children's screen time

Neighbourhood Crime

 There is a high crime rate in our neighbourhood

5-point Likert scale

(Strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree, strongly agree)

Range 1 – 5

 There is a high presence of drug use in our neighbourhood

 There is a high prevalence of violence in our neighbourhood

Physical Activity

On a usual day about how much time does your child spend doing the following activities on a usual day:

Respond in hours and minutes

 Physical activity that is highly energetic in nature (e.g. running, jumping, twirling etc.)

 Pottering (slow easy movements or standing play e.g. cooking and baking, water and sand play, dress ups etc.)

Screen Time

On a usual day about how much time does your child spend doing the following activities on a usual day:

Respond in hours and minutes

 TV/DVD viewing/sreaming (on a traditional TV)

 Tablet/smart phone (eg. iPhone/iPad) use for games /apps

 Tablet/smart phone (e.g. iPhone/iPad) use for watching content (e.g. television shows, movies, Youtupe)

 Computer/internet use (excluding games)

 Computer/online games or a game player that hooks up to a TV (e.g. Playstation/Nintendo/X-Box)

 Handheld electronic games (e.g. Nintendo Switch, Gameboy/Nintendo DS)

  1. After reversing negatively worded items, items for each scale were added together then averaged to give participant scores. These averaged scores were used for the analyses. (r) – items were reverse coded prior