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Table 2 Differences in change from baseline to 6-month follow-up between groups for the cognitive domains

From: The effect of two multi-component behavior change interventions on cognitive functions

Between-group differences

iPA vs control

iSED vs control

iPA vs iSED

Estimate (95%CI)

Estimate (95%CI)

Estimate (95%CI)

Executive function

−0.811 (−2.83–1.20)

−0.959 (− 3.33–1.41)

0.148 (− 2.19–2.49)

Episodic memory

− 1.205 (− 4.86–2.45)

0.693 (− 3.59–4.98)

− 1.897 (− 6.14–2.35)

Processing speed

1.506 (−0.40–3.41)

1.819 (− 0.45–4.09)

− 0.313 (− 2.55–1.93)

Global Cognition

−0.349 (− 1.80–1.10)

−0.015 (− 1.74–1.71)

−0.334 (− 2.03–1.36)

  1. Estimates with 95% confidence intervals from the linear mixed models. Models contained age, sex, and education as fixed effects. Cluster and subject were entered as random effects. Cognitive domains consisted of t-composite scores
  2. iPA intervention group to increase moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, iSED intervention group to reduce sedentary behavior