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Table 1 Guiding questions for the in-depth interview discussions

From: Exposure to job-related violence among young female sex workers in urban slums of Southwest Nigeria



Guiding question

Lived experience


(1) How would you describe your activities in a typical day?


(a) Probe: for most common activities involved in daily work


(2) Could you tell me in what way you negotiate with your “emotional” partner or clients regarding protection (condom use)?


(a) Probe: were there any risks considered while negotiating?


(3) When were clients not ready to use a condom?


Dynamics of their relationship with partners or clients and sexual violence

(4) What health problem do women like you face?


(a) Probe: for rape, sex without a condom, painful and “rough” sex in the vagina and anus


(b) Probe: for police arrest, drivers’ harassments, physical beating by clients

Coping strategy

Coping strategy to avert harm/violence

(5) How do you practice safe sex to avoid harm from your clients?


(6) How do you mitigate arrest by police?


(a) Probe: for negotiation, payment of unofficial fines, extending sexual favors


(a) Probe: safety nets in case of challenges- financial, health, criminal, etc.?

Sexual gender-based violence (SGBV)


(7) Have you been assaulted or experienced stigmatization due to your job?


(a) Probe: for other people known who have had similar experiences


(8) Please describe your experiences of being assaulted or receiving negative or stigmatizing comments (narrate specific experiences)


(a) Probe: What was your response? How did you handle these?


(b) Probe: what type of services did you seek after the assault?


Places and context in which violence occurs

(9) Could you tell me what usually causes disagreement or violence between you and your clients?


(a) Probe: provide instances (narrative)


(10). When you experience violence/harm from your clients, where does it usually happen?


(a) Probe: in the hotel room, in the car, in the bar?


Influence of societal pressure

(11) Could you tell me how people relate with you and describe your relationship with other people?


(12) Are there times when people abuse you (verbally, discriminate or harm) because of work related identity?


(10) Please could you share yours or others’ experiences of stigmatization with services like health care providers or the police?