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Table 4 Food substitutions based on qualitative evidence

From: Exploring drivers of food choice among PLHIV and their families in a peri-urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Representative Quotes



“I like juice, but it is unrealistic to buy and make juice, so I just drink soda. I prefer Fanta-Pineapple soda. If I could afford [it], I could drink soda every day, but because I cannot afford [juice], I rare[ly] drink [juice and instead drink] soda [laughter].” (female, 45 years, 11 years since diagnosis)

Fruit juice


Yeah, it depends if the festival comes [around and] if we have money we eat [festival foods]. Other times we just cook normal food. We [will eat what we] usually eat if such specific food is not available.” (female, 33 years, < 1 year since diagnosis)

Festival foods (e.g., spiced rice, meat dish)

Typical daily food

“[In the] morning, if we do not have money, we make porridge and drink [it]. If there is money, we make tea with snacks, like wheat buns or chapati, we eat [that].” (female, 39 years, sister is HIV+)

Snacks (e.g., wheat buns, chapati)


“In the afternoon, you can buy food for [a] side dish, [but] this is challenging because you can spend [up to] Tshs [Tanzanian shillings] 7000/ = . It[s price] depends [on what] you buy, [for example a] quarter kilogram of meat and its viungo [onions, tomatoes, okra, African eggplant, etc. [However], in [the] case I cook beans to eat with rice, the budget can be lowered.” (female, 39 years, a stepchild is HIV+)

Meat with a vegetable side dish
