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Table 1 List of the 21 stressors divided in four groups

From: Factors associated with a change in smoking habit during the first COVID-19 lockdown: an Italian cross-sectional study among ever-smokers

Stressors related to COVID-19

Stressors due to isolation

Social issues resulting from lockdown

Professional and school issues

Fear of being infected and getting sick;

Impossibility/fear of approaching health facilities while needed;

Fear of being judged by the neighbors for exits dictated by reasons of need, work, etc.;

Fear of losing livelihoods/being fired;

Fear of infecting others;

Fear of separating from loved ones for the quarantine regime;

Fear of being socially excluded due to the origin of regions affected by the virus;

Reduction of work and economic opportunities due to the need to stay at home with children for the closure of schools;

Sense of powerlessness in protecting oneself from contagion;

Sense of powerlessness due to isolation;

Worsening of family relationships during quarantine;

Reduction of economic opportunities for redundancy fund (for company limitations from COVID-19);

Sense of powerlessness in protecting loved ones from contagion;

Boredom due to isolation;

Fear that nothing will be like before lockdown (9th March 2020).

Difficulty in managing children and teaching online;

Fear of losing loved ones due to virus;

Feelings of loneliness due to isolation.


Difficulty in adapting to smart working.

Fear of dying due to the virus;


Anxiety in listening to news of the epidemic.