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Table 10 Characteristics of included publications by region: Southeast Asia

From: Systematic review on chronic non-communicable disease in disaster settings


Country/Territory of Interest

Target Population

Type of Study

NCD Studied

Years of Observation

Number of study participants

Major Findings

Gilder (2014) [89]

Country of Asylum: Thailand

Country of Origin: Myanmar

Women attending the antenatal care (ANC) clinic in Maela refugee camp on the Thai–Myanmar border

Cross sectional


July 2011—March 2012

228 women

The prevalence of GDM is lower in this population compared with other populations, but still complicates 10% of pregnancies. Despite the weight of evidence for the benefits of early diagnosis and treatment of GDM, the absence of a simple, inexpensive and applicable screening method remains a major barrier to GDM screening programs in refugee camps and other resource-poor settings

Guha-Sapir (2007) [76]


Patients attending an International Committee of the Red Cross(ICRC) field hospital in Aceh, Indonesia, established immediately after the tsunami in 2004


Multiple NCDs including hypertension, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, trauma or injury, and psychiatric illness

January 15, 2004—January 31 2004

1,188 study participants

Chronic diseases including HTN and DM represented 43.5% of consultations including acute presentations of chronic illnesses. These cases presented soon after the hospital opened and accounted for about half of the consultations. The largest diagnostic groups included: respiratory diseases (21.0%), other chronic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension (17.3%), trauma or injury (9.8%) and psychiatric illness (9.7%). Females’ odds of acute disease were 34% lower than males (95% CI: 16–49%, P = 0.001) however were 65% more likely than males to be diagnosed with a psychiatric illness (95% CI: 11–145%, P = 0.013)

Khan (2013) [115]


Respondents living in flood and stagnant water-affected areas of Dhaka over 10 years of age


Multiple NCDs

March 2008 -March 2009

3,207 study subjects

Respondents living in flood and stagnant water-affected(FSW) areas were more vulnerable than their non-affected counterparts. While respondents living in the FSW-affected areas reported more communicable and poor mental well-being, the prevalence of NCDs was remarkably lower in the affected (2.7%) than the non-affected areas (4.8%). However, FSW affected area respondents also reported a lack of availability to be evaluated by a medical doctor, which may affect these results

Kunii (2002) [71]


Patients exposed to air pollution in the “haze disaster” in Indonesia following large forest fires throughout Indonesia

Cross sectional

Chronic Respiratory Diseases including asthma

September 1997 -October 1997

543 study subjects

Patients had increased respiratory issues after a large forest fire disaster, especially the elderly. Wearing a high-quality face mask was protective (vs handkerchief or simple surgical mask). Almost all of the respondents (98.7%) developed or suffered from an exacerbation of symptoms, and 91.3% had respiratory symptoms. Most of the health problems were mild, but 13.1% perceived their health problems as severe and 49.2% reported that the health problems disturbed their daily life

Molla (2014) [74]


Children under 5 years of age categorized as climate refugees in Dhaka with diarrhea and asthma

Cross sectional

Asthma and diarrheal diseases

September 2012 -November 2012

410 households

Asthma caused a significantly higher number of disability adjusted life years (DALYs) lost in the group displaced due to climate change in comparison to controls. Associated contributing factors included overcrowding and improper household ventilation for domestic cooking or burning among climate change refugees

Ramachandran (2006) [94]


Tsunami affected population of Chennai(Madras) in Southern India aged 20 and above

Retrospective cohort


April 2005- June 2005

1,184 tsunami affected subjects, 1,176 controls

Undetected diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance were higher in the tsunami-hit area as compared to controls. Diabetes prevalence was found to be similar in the tsunami affected population and control group. Women reported higher stress scores and demonstrated a higher prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance as compared to their male counterparts

Redwood-Campbell (2006) [77]


Patients registering in the ICRC field hospital in Banda Aceh after the tsunami

Cross Sectional

Multiple NCDs including respiratory, psychiatric, endocrine, urological, and neurologic diseases

March 2005

271 patients

12% of the problems seen in the clinic 9 weeks after the tsunami were directly related to the tsunami. Majority of patients were male, the problems were urologic, digestive, respiratory and musculoskeletal in that order. 24% had 4 or more depression/ PTSD symptoms