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Table 2 Interview schedule

From: Enablers and barriers to effective parenting within the first 1000 days: an exploratory study of South African parents and primary caregivers in low socio-economic communities

Examples of Questions

- What prevents parents from showing care and support to their children?

- Any obstacles that they think of that impact or affect the parenting of their children?

- What has been the most difficult part of parenting for you?

- What makes it hard for you to support and care for your child?

- What role does the father of your child play in your child’s life?

- What enables parents to show care and support for their children?

- What would help you to be a better parent than what you are now?

- What makes it easy for you to support and care for your child?

- What can affect your abilities to nurture, connect, interact and engage with their children?