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Table 2 Old and new factor structure with factor loadings

From: Psychometric evaluation of a culturally adapted illness perception questionnaire for African Americans with type 2 diabetes

Old Domains [7]

New Domains [9]

Old and Adapted/New Itemsa

Factor Loading


External Consequences [(EXT) CON]: (relationships/work/family)

1. My diabetes reduces the control I have over my life.


2. My diabetes has harmed my relationship with others close to me.


3. My diabetes has caused difficulties in my relationships with family and friends.


4. My diabetes has caused my relationships with family and friends to be less close.


5. My diabetes reduces my participation in social activities within the community.


Internal Consequences [(PL)CON]: personal life consequences

6. My diabetes takes away the ability to enjoy food in my daily life.


7. My diabetes has taken away my ability to eat the food I grew up eating.


8. My diabetes is a serious condition.


9. My diabetes has major consequences on my life.


Personal Control

Control [CONT (PC&TC)]: PC refers to control through family and self, while TC refers to control through medications



10. My friends and family encourage me to manage my diabetes.


11. I have the power to influence my diabetes.


Treatment Control



12. Medications can help with my diabetes.


13. Medications can help me survive with my diabetes.


14. My treatment will be effective in curing my diabetes.


15. The negative effects of my diabetes can be prevented (avoided) by my treatment.


16. My treatment can control my diabetes.



17. SCI: As a black person, I have to advocate for myself if I want to live with diabetes


Illness Coherence

Illness Interpretation (II) Active process of interpretation of illness

18. I understand how I get diabetes.



19. I have a clear picture or understanding of my condition.


20. It is important not to worry about my diabetes so as to protect my physical and mental health.


21. Faith in God helps control my diabetes.


22. God helps me not to worry about my diabetes.


Emotional Representations

Present Emotional Representations (ERp): current feelings and worries

23. It is hard for me to accept that I have diabetes.


24. It makes me mad that I have to change my life because of diabetes.


25. I am frustrated while having diabetes.


26. I am depressed because I have diabetes.


27. My diabetes controls my life.


28. I am upset I have diabetes.


29. I am concerned about dying from my diabetes.


30. I am worried about my children/grandchildren getting diabetes.


31. I get depressed when I think about my diabetes.


32. When I think about my diabetes I get upset.


33. My diabetes makes me feel angry.


34. Having this diabetes makes me feel anxious.


35. My diabetes makes me feel afraid.


Future Emotional Representations (ERf): Worries about future complications & outcomes

36. I am scared of having complications from my diabetes.


37. The experiences of my family and friends has led me to fear diabetes complications.


38. Having diabetes makes me worry about my future.


39 I am worried my diabetes will stop me from seeing my children and grandchildren grow up.



Sociocultural Influences (SCI):

40. Being Black decreases my chances of knowing about diabetes control.


41. Being Black reduces my chances of getting information about diabetes.


42. Being Black makes me more likely to get diabetes.


43. Diabetes is a disease not discussed within the Black community.


44. My friends and family discourage me from being open about my diabetes.


45. Being poor contributed to my getting diabetes.


Timeline (Acute/Chronic)


46. My diabetes is likely to be permanent rather than temporary.


47. My diabetes will last for a long time.


48. I expect to have diabetes for the rest of my life.


49. Nothing can make my diabetes go away.


Timeline Cyclical

Timeline Cyclical

50. The symptoms of my diabetes change a great deal from day to day.


51. My symptoms come and go in cycles.


52. My diabetes is very unpredictable.


53. I go through cycles in which my diabetes gets better and worse.


54. My diabetes is a big part of who I am.


  1. Extraction Method: Maximum Likelihood. Rotation Method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization
  2. aItems with poor inter-correlations not included