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Table 4 Parameter estimation and statistical significance testing for the structural model

From: Relationship between Mother’s emotional intelligence, negative parenting behaviour, Preschooler’s attachment instability, and smart device overdependence

Path analysis

Direct effect

β (p)

Indirect effect

β (p)

Total effect

β (p)


Mothers’ emotional intelligence → Mothers’ negative parenting behaviours





Mothers’ emotional intelligence → Preschoolers’ attachment instability





Mothers’ emotional intelligence → Preschoolers’ smart device overdependence





Mothers’ negative parenting behaviour → Preschoolers’ attachment instability





Mothers’ negative parenting behaviour → Preschoolers’ smart device overdependence





Preschoolers’ attachment instability → Preschoolers’ smart device overdependence




  1. SMC = squared multiple correlations. ***p < 0.001