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Table 1 Respondents and center-level characteristics before and after implementation of the Active Play Standard in British Columbia

From: Does an active play standard change childcare physical activity and healthy eating policies? A natural policy experiment


Survey cycle



Respondent characteristics

Respondents, n (%)

910 (62.4)

549 (37.4)

Sex, n (%)


884 (97.1)

470 (89.9)


19 (2.1)

16 (3.1)

 Prefer not to disclose

7 (0.8)

37 (7.1)

Position, n (%)a


549 (60.3)

322 (58.7)

 Childcare staff

361 (39.7)

227 (41.4)

Age group, n (%)

  < 30 years

122 (13.4)

78 (14.2)

 30–39 years

237 (26.0)

162 (29.5)

 40–49 years

266 (29.2)

134 (24.4)

 50–59 years

202 (22.2)

95 (17.3)

  > 60 years

83 (9.1)

80 (14.6)

Number of years working at center, n (%)

 1–5 years

206 (22.6)

156 (28.4)

 5 years or more

704 (77.4)

393 (71.6)

Center-level characteristics

 Centers, n (%)b

592 (61)

378 (39)

 Center enrollment, mean (SD)

37 (28)

38 (37)

Food provisioning, n (%)

 All food brought from home

183 (36.7)

131 (35.6)

 Center provides all foods

73 (14.6)

65 (17.7)

 Mixed source

243 (48.7)

172 (46.7)

Food processing/preparation

 Hot and cold snacks and/or meals prepared onsite

177 (35.5)

136 (37.1)

 Minimal food preparation (e.g., cutting fruit)

144 (28.9)

97 (26.4)

 Pre-packaged (single portion) foods

7 (1.4)

3 (0.8)

 All foods supplied by parents

157 (31.5)

114 (31.1)


14 (2.8)

17 (4.6)

 Food provisioning at lunchc, n (%)

 Provided by center, prepared on site


69 (19.2)

 Provided by center, prepared off site


15 (4.2)

 Must be brought from home


254 (70.6)

 Not served


22 (6.1)

Food provisioning at morning snackc, n (%)

 Provided by center, prepared on site


199 (55.0)

 Provided by center, prepared off site


5 (1.4)

 Must be brought from home


145 (40.1)

 Not served


13 (3.6)

Food provisioning at afternoon snackc, n (%)

 Provided by center, prepared on site


190 (51.9)

 Provided by center, prepared off site


10 (2.7)

 Must be brought from home


147 (40.2)

 Not served


19 (5.2)

Area-level characteristics

 Percent of population with some postsecondary education, % (SD)

62 (13)

63 (13)

 Medium household income (CAN$), mean (SD)

87,542 (23,056)

88,201 (22,817)

  1. aRespondents were asked to choose the position that best described their role at the facility and included 5 response options: 1) “Executive director/program manager”, 2) “staff that care for 2 ½ to 5-year-old children”, 3) “staff that care for children younger than 2 ½ or older than 5-year-old children”, 4) “Administrative assistant/office manager” or 5) “other”. Respondents were classified as “eligible managers” if they selected options 1 (“Executive director/program manager”) and/or option 4 (“Administrative assistant/office manager”). Respondents were classified as “eligible staff” if they selected option 2 (“staff that care for 2 ½ to 5-year-old children”). Respondents who selected both option 1 (“executive director/program manager” and option 2 (“staff that care for 1 ½ to 5-year-old children”) were classified as “eligible manager and staff”
  2. bA total of 592 and 398 facilities answered the surveys in 2016–17 and 2018–19, respectively but within this sample, 146 facilities returned and completed the survey at both time points
  3. cOnly assessed at time 2 (2018–19) but not at time 1 (2016–17)