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Table 2 Multivariable logistic regression model examining characteristics of New York census tracts with versus without medical cannabis certifying providers (N = 4694)

From: Availability of medical cannabis services by racial, social, and geographic characteristics of neighborhoods in New York: a cross-sectional study

Census tract characteristic

aOR (95% CI)


Geographic characteristic






0.38 (0.25–0.57)

 < 0.001


1.01 (0.77–1.33)


Percent of Hispanic residents (per 10% increase)

0.98 (0.94–1.03)


Percent of Black residents (per 10% increase)

0.95 (0.92–0.99)


Median household income (per $10,000 USD increase)

1.00 (0.98–1.03)


Percent of residents with bachelor’s degree or higher (per 10% increase)

1.30 (1.21–1.38)

 < 0.001

  1. Model statistics:
  2. Likelihood Ratio Chi-square for Global Null Hypothesis: Beta = 0, Chi-square = 276.5, DF = 6, p-value < 0.001
  3. -2 Log Likelihood value = 4623
  4. Hosmer and Lemeshow Goodness-of-Fit Test: Chi-square = 10.2, DF = 8, p-value = 0.25
  5. Nagelker R-square = 0.09
  6. Cox and Snell R-square = 0.06