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Table 2 Included substance use outcome measures

From: Individual-, family- and school-based interventions to prevent multiple risk behaviours relating to alcohol, tobacco and drug use in young people aged 8-25 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Substance-use outcome

Included measures

Alcohol use

Alcohol use (yes/no) in the past week, month or year; number of occasions of alcohol use in the past month; mean alcohol units per day/week or in the last month; ever used alcohol

Tobacco use

Tobacco use (yes/no) in the past week, month or year; number of occasions of tobacco use in the past month; mean cigarettes per day/week or in the last month; ever used tobacco

Cannabis use

Cannabis use (yes/no) in the past week, month or year; number of occasions of cannabis use in the past month; mean joints per day/week or in the last month; ever used cannabis

Heavy alcohol use

Binge drinking or drunkenness (yes/no) in the past month; 3 or more episodes of drunkenness (yes/no) in the past month; heavy drinking in the past month (as defined by study authors)

Other illicit drug use

Hard drug/cocaine/inhalant-use in the past month; number of occasions of prescription drug/poly-drug/hard drug/other drug/inhalant-use in the past month; ever used meth/amphetamine/ecstasy/cocaine/illicit drugs (some included cannabis) or sniffed glue

  1. Legend: The table outlines the included measures for each type of substance use behaviour