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Table 2 Barriers and Facilitators of Health and Well-Being among Older Adult Immigrants in the United States

From: Barriers and facilitators of health among older adult immigrants in the United States: an integrative review of 20 years of literature





- Lack of English language proficiency

- Refugee status (as a proxy for trauma)

- Loss of independence

- Low health literacy

- Loss of a spouse

- Lack of SES resources

- Loss of independence

- Dementia/memory loss

- Poor physical health

- Depression

- Chronic pain

- Chronic conditions

- Sleep issues/Insomnia

- Owning a personal vehicle/ability to drive

- English language proficiency

- Formal education in the U.S

- Resilience

- Positive emotions (ex: optimism, positive affect) and psychological well-being

- Maintaining one’s native language and traditions

- Traditional medicine/Holistic approaches to health

- Life satisfaction

- Proper nutrition

- Leisure time

- Sexual health knowledge


- Isolation

- Social exclusion

- Discrimination based on racial/ethnic/gender identity

- Loss of previous social status

- Financial abuse

- Older adult abuse

- Healthcare providers misinterpreting immigrants health service expectations and feeling unprepared to work with immigrants

- Expectational role friction

- Social support

- Culturally sensitive providers/culturally appropriate care

- Receiving professional care

-Provider and treatment trust

- Opportunities for them to share their life experiences and knowledge with others, such as teaching cuisine/food

- Liaisons, “helpers” from the immigrant community to aid other immigrants [48]

- Social capital

- Trust


- Discrimination based on racial/ethnic identity

- Limited access to support services

- Lack of preventative care

- High cost of medical care/financial concerns

- Issues accessing medical care

- Healthcare access

- Translated materials—that are culturally relevant

- Provision of culturally relevant information

- Traditional medicine/Holistic approaches to health

-Health education

- Participation in activities (ex: social, cognitive, spiritual/religious, physical)

- Culturally meaningful activities

- Resource access (in addition to healthcare)

- Group excursions, or “field trips”18

- Home health care services


- Lack of available, and inaccessible, transportation

-The built environment – Lack of safety and walkability

- Poverty

- Discrimination based on racial/ethnic identity

- Neighborhood cohesiveness

- The built environment

- Available public transport

- Healthcare access

- Availability of care

- Community trust


- Discrimination based on racial/ethnic/gender identity

- The 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act

- Lack of citizenship/temporary status

- Lack of insurance

- Citizenship

- Health insurance