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Table 4 Concerns from participants who were unsure or unlikely to get a future COVID-19 vaccine (n = 191)

From: Factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine intent among Latino SNAP participants in Southern California





EXAMPLE QUOTES FROM SPANISH & ENGLISH SPEAKERS Original Spanish in italics, if applicable

Side effects/ ingredients (n = 97, 51%)

Side effects/ allergic reactions



“I do not know the side effects and neither do I know what it is made of.”No se los efectos secundarios y tampoco se de que está echa

“I feel a bit unsure of the reactions my body may have after receiving it.”Me siento un poco insegura de las reacciones que pueda tener mi cuerpo después de recibirla.

“That I have a bad reaction and die.”De que tenga una reacción mala y me muera.

“If it’ll make me sick or have illness as a side effect.”

“That it will get me allergic.”


Will cause illness/ COVID-19



“I would be afraid of getting the vaccine and even more afraid if getting the vaccine means I’ll get the virus”Me daría miedo ponérmela porque peor si es para que me dé.

“I think the vaccine will bring more risks for one to get sick.”Pienso que la vacuna traerá más riesgos a que uno se enferme

“That it infects me with COVID-19, I don’t trust anyone.”Que me contagie COVID-19, no confío en nadie


Concern about ingredients



“Because we do not know the harmful chemicals that they are going to contain and in the future may have secondary reactions ….” Porque no sabemos los químicos perjudiciales que vayan a contener y en el futuro puedan tener reacciones secundarias, y por otras razones

“I don’t know the contents of the vaccine and if they are toxic.”

“You don’t know what is in the vaccine.”

“Not really sure since they have to add the virus to create and anti- virus, I’m not just gonna give it to my family that means it contains the virus so no.”


Will cause extreme harm/ death/ has a chip



“That they will implant a chip in her.”Que se implante un chip en ella.

“That supposedly it comes with a chip to manipulate people.”El que según es con chip para manejar ala gente.

“That the vaccine is to make a person die, not to cure them.”Que la vacuna es para que se muera uno, no para curar.

“Being in pharmaceuticals, I don’t think that they can come up with a complete, safe vaccine in 18 months to prevent this. It’ll take a lot longer. The way I’m looking at the research, I think they’re hurrying because they want to test it on people. If it doesn’t work, I’m afraid it will kill people and I don’t want to put myself or my children at risk for that.”


Other vaccines/ flu shot made them sick or didn’t work



Once, I got very sick after getting a vaccine. So that’s why I avoid all vaccines. Now, I don’t get vaccinations and I never get sick.”Una vez, me enferme mucho después de recibir una vacuna. Entonces, por eso evito todas las vacunas. Ahora, no recibo las vacunas y nunca me enfermo

In the past, I have had vaccines and I have had very strong reactions (from the flu, hepatitis vaccines). Well, a doctor told me it was due to the vaccines. So, I’m not sure about the vaccines.”En tiempo pasada, me puesto vacunas y me han reacciones muy fuertes (la de flu, hepatitis). Pues, una doctora me dijo que fue debido a las vacunas. Entonces, no estoy seguro de las vacunas

“I got sick from the flu vaccine.”

“I am afraid that the vaccine might make me sick. I have experiences with other vaccines that have made me sick.”

Distrust/ Uncertainty (n = 91, 48%)

Fearful/ distrusting, general



“I don’t know if it will be safe.”No se si vaya a ser seguro

“That it is really for that [COVID-19] and not for another purpose.”De que sea realmente para eso y no para otro fin.

“A little fear and distrust because everyone is rushing to find a vaccine.”Un poco de temor y desconfianza porque todos se estan apurando para encontar una vacuna.

“There is controversy over the vaccine and I have heard a lot of negative things about that vaccine and I would be afraid if I or a loved one got sick because of the vaccine.”

More testing needed/wait to see what happens



Because people tell me that it is not good to receive it because the doctors are pressuring themselves to find the vaccine.”Porque la gente me dice que no es buena recibirla porque los doctores se están apresurando para buscar la vacuna

That it will be something new. I’m not sure I want a vaccine that is not well developed.”Que es algo nuevo. No estoy segura de querer una vacuna que aun no esté bien desarrollada

“It is very quick to know if it will work correctly.”Es muy rápido para saber si funcionara de manera correcta

“I wouldn’t get it because I don’t think there is enough research or evidence and I wouldn’t feel safe afterwards.”

“It’s a new medication that hasn’t been tested long enough.”

“It has been rushed and I don’t know if I will want it until it has been out for a short while.”

“I would like to wait until year 2 to see if there are any serious side effects.”

Unsure/ need more info



“She would like to know more information about the vaccine because she thinks this virus is stronger than anything out there.”

“I need to be well informed about the vaccine and how it would affect me and my family.”

“Not sure about getting the COVID-19 because it would be new and she would not know anything about it.”

Effectiveness (n = 30, 16%)

Whether the vaccine will work



“That it will be worse and it doesn’t work.”Que sea peor y no funcione.

“That it will not be the correct one.”Que no sea la correcta.

That they don’t come out with the correct one and still get infected.”

“See if it works or not!!!”

“I am afraid it might not work”

General dislike of vaccines (n = 22, 12%)

General dislike of vaccines



“Allergic reaction or unnecessary injections. The flu vaccine doesn’t improve anything. I get sick more during the year when I’ve had it. This runs in my fam. I’ve seen people who get sick often if they don’t get it. Not everyone needs it.”

“There are so many vaccines out there that is not need and don’t do nothing. I believe if we strengthen our immune system our bodies is capable to fight disease.”

“I don’t like the vaccines.”

“Has there been testing on it and will it prevent it from coming back because the flu vaccine I still got the flu. It’s alarmist like taking Tylenol without a headache.”

“I am not 100% confident in vaccines being healthy to take. Scared of side effects. I am 56 and only had the flu shot like 3 times.”

Already healthy/ will take alternative pre-cautions



“None but I would not allow them to give me the vaccine because I am in good health”Ninguna pero no permitiría que me pusieran la vacuna porque estoy bien de salud.

“Wearing a mask, taking care to go out only when necessary”Usar tapabocas cuidarse salir no más cuando es necesario.

“Will not get vaccine because she believes her immune system is strong”

“I rather take precautions such as washing my hands and not touch my face than take the vaccine.”

“There is so many vaccines out there that are not needed and don’t do nothing. I believe if we strengthen our immune system our bodies are capable to fight disease.”

  1. Asked of those who said “not sure,” “not likely,” or “definitely not” to the question about their likelihood of getting a COVID-19 vaccine. Quotes written in third person are based on notes taken by study staff during phone interviews