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Table 1 Description of the variables

From: Analysis of the geographic pattern of the police reports for domestic violence in Girona (Spain)

Response variable

Cases census tract

Number of filed police reports of domestic violence that occurred in the census tracts of Girona in the period of study

Explanatory variables


The Spanish Epidemiology Association’s deprivation index 2011 corresponding to each of the census tracts of Girona [32]. This index combines the information on six socioeconomic indicators (unemployment, manual workers, temporary workers, without compulsory schooling, without compulsory schooling young, without internet), calculated for each census tract and based on the data collected in the Spanish Population and Housing Census 2011 [33, 34]


Percentage of unemployed population among active workers (above the age of 16) for each census tract of Girona

Manual workersa

Percentage of manual workers, i.e. employed workers in the building sector, in farming, among the employed or unemployed population that has worked previously, aged 16 or over for each census tract of Girona

Temporary workersa

Percentage of employed workers aged 16 and over in temporary employment among the employed or unemployed population that has worked previously, for each census tract

Without compulsory schoolinga

Percentage of the population that did not complete compulsory schooling, i.e. people without studies and with an incomplete primary education

Without compulsory schooling youngb

Percentage of the young population (16–29 years) that did not complete compulsory schooling, i.e. people with no qualifications and who had not completed primary education

Without interneta

Percentage of primary residences without access to the Internet


Percentage of homes in the municipal census tract of under 45 square meters


Percentage of homes in the municipal census tract of between 45 and 60 square meters


Percentage of foreign people in the municipal census tract


Percentage of Africans in the municipal census tract


Percentage of South Americans in the municipal census tract


Percentage of Asians in the municipal census tract

  1. adata collected from the Spanish Population and Housing Census 2011[32]
  2. bdata collected from the INE[32]