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Table 4 Factors related to continuing services versus preventing COVID-19 in ANC policy guidance

From: Keeping essential reproductive, maternal and child health services available during COVID-19 in Kenya, Mozambique, Uganda and Zimbabwe: analysis of early-pandemic policy guidelines


Continuation of Services

Prevention of COVID-19 Transmission


Multimonth dispensing


8- or 4-visit schedule of ANC visits for pregnant womena

Physical distancing and other preventive measures during ANC services

Addressing COVID-19 driven stigma and/or psychosocial needs

Kenya RMNFP Guidelines

Women attending ANC be provided up to 3 months of supplements or medication, including antiretrovirals (ARVs)

ANC schedule to include phone-based consultations

The 8-visit schedule should be maintained, with modification of 4 health facility visits and 4 via phone if possible

ANC patients to visit clinics unaccompanied; telephone referrals and counseling encouraged

Not mentioned

Kenya Community Health Services

Not mentioned

A list of messages for VHWs to provide to pregnant women via phone consults. Guidance also promotes phone registration and follow-up of pregnant women.

Not mentioned

Not mentioned

Not mentioned

Mozambique Care of Pregnant Women Circular

Not mentioned

Pregnant women advised to call health care provider for minor complaints rather than visit health facility

Pregnant women to continue routine prenatal consultations (currently recommended at 4 focused ANC visits)

Keep distance of 1.5 m during facility ANC visits

Not mentioned

Uganda Continuity of Essential Health Services

Not mentioned

Not mentioned

Not mentioned

Ensure distancing (4 m) at ANC clinics

Psychosocial counseling and support to women with suspected / confirmed COVID-19 infection. Sensitize patients on mitigation of COVID-19-related stigma and discrimination and fear of mother-to-child transmission.

Zimbabwe RMNCAH-N Guidelines

Not mentioned

Phone consultations should be done as possible, either at nearby health facility or using a call center

8-visit schedule should be maintained; visit 3 (26 weeks) and visit 5 (34 weeks) should be conducted via phone (this may vary by level of health facility)

Ensure distancing, especially during triage at clinic arrival

Psychosocial support provided to women to reduce COVID-19 anxiety and fear, and to explain the changes in care management during COVID-19

  1. aAll countries have adopted the WHO-recommended eight-visit schedule except for Mozambique, which recommends an ANC visit every 3 months