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Table 5 ERS uptake and adherence in mental health referrals

From: Evaluation of the uptake, retention and effectiveness of exercise referral schemes for the management of mental health conditions in primary care: a systematic review

Study details

ERS information

Outcome measure


1. Uptake

2. Adherence

Results in non-MH referrals (if applicable)

1. Uptake

2. Adherence


2005 [27]

Routine practice

12 weeks leisure centre-based

Attended first appointment

1. Attended first appointment

- MH = 280 (uptake 82.6%)

2. N/I

1. Attended first appointment

- C = 4945 (uptake 78.9%)

2. N/I

Crone 2008 [28]

Routine practice

8-12 weeks leisure centre-based


- Attended first session


- Attended ≥80% of scheduled sessions

1. Uptake

- MH = 79 (uptake 59.0%)

2. Completed

- MH = 29 (adherence 36.7%)

1. Uptake

- C = 1917 (uptake 69.3%)

2. Completed

- C = 935 (adherence 48.8%)


2012 [29]


32 weeks regular face-to-face consultations and telephone calls

Failed to attend

- Did not attend first ERS session

Received adequate dose

- Had ≥5 sessions

1. Failed to attend

- ERS group = 11 (uptake 94.5%)

2. Received adequate dose at 4 months

- ERS group = 102 (59.6% adherence)

Received adequate dose at 8 months

- ERS group = 129 (75.4% adherence)

Did not assess


2013 [31]


16 weeks leisure centre-based

Did not enter

Partial attendance

(0-16 weeks)


1. Did not enter

- MH = 52 (uptake 83.2%)

2. Partial attendance

- MH = 152


- MH = 106 (adherence 41.1%)

1. Did not enter

- C = 109 (uptake 85.8%)

Adjusted OR 0.82 (95%CI 0.57 to 1.17)

2. Partial attendance

- C = 294


- C = 367 (adherence 55.5%)

Adjusted OR 0.57 (95%CI 0.43 to 0.75)


2015 [32]


12 weeks regular face-to-face consultations and telephone calls

Declined referral

Discontinued participation

1. Declined referral

- ERS group = 9 (uptake 85.2%)

2. Discontinued participation

- ERS group = 21 (adherence 59.6%)

Did not assess


2017 [33]

Routine practice

20-26 weeks leisure centre-based


- Attended ≥80% of scheduled sessions

- Two recorded progress assessments

1. N/I

2. Adherence

- MH = 53 (adherence 37.6%)

1. N/I

2. Adherence

- C = 263 (adherence 47.0%)

- Between group difference P = 0.04


2020 [34]

Routine practice

Unlimited number of in person or video link yoga classes

Follow through/uptake

- Attendance at ≥1 yoga class

1. Uptake

- MH = 63 (uptake 42.3%)

Stress/anxiety (42%)

Depression (40%)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (45%)

2. N/I

1. Uptake

- C = 74 (uptake 27.1%)

2. N/I


2020 [35]

Routine practice

16 weeks leisure centre-based

Did not take up


1. Uptake

- MH only = 4677 (54.4% uptake)

- MH+CHD = 3730 (61.9% uptake)

- All MH = 8407 (57.5% uptake)

2. N/I

1. Uptake

- C = 10,699 (67.7% uptake)

- OR 0.79, 95%CI 0.74 to 0.84

2. N/I

  1. * = information obtained from author, MH mental health, C comparator, ERS exercise referral scheme, N/I no information available, CHD coronary heart disease, SD standard deviation, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval, P<0.05 = significant difference