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Table 1 Integrating the 5 M Model and SNAC_OSHC

From: A multifaceted approach increased staff confidence to develop outside of school hours care as a health promoting setting

5 M Component


Facebook group



A clear purpose was developed to support competency development and subsequently confidence: SNAC_OSHC is committed to assisting and supporting OSHC Professionals in developing and providing a health promoting setting for all children.


Facilitated discussions about the role of OSHC Professionals as healthy influencers, growing confidence; Workshop manuals provided supporting resources to ensure competency

OSHC Professionals were motivated through collaboration, competitions and idea-sharing; Vicarious experiences nurtured confidence and grew competency

Supporting resources were provided so OSHC Professionals had confidence in the messages being conveyed and were competent at delivering them.


Practical demonstrations to increase health promotion competencies

Reinforcing competencies through conversations about credible resources, which also supported confidence building

Practical tools, e.g., safe food handling, policy guidelines, menu-planning resources, recipes.

Grew OSHC Professionals confidence in their competence to embed health promoting practices


Included strategies to monitor children’s food intake and their involvement in activities to foster inclusivity, thus building confidence to do so.

Discussions about ways to encourage healthy behaviours, e.g., leading by example, giving children input into menus and activities, praise for participating, supporting competency in these tasks.

Facilitated conversations about successful strategies outside of the workshop environment built OSHC Professionals confidence and provided practical examples to increase competence.

Supporting resources provided

As above


The sum of the three intervention strategies were intended to have a greater impact on OSHC Professional confidence and competence than one individual intervention strategy, with the intent of maximising the effectiveness of the intervention and increasing the likelihood of achieving the study aim.

  1. Derived from Weaver et al., (2012) [33]