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Table 1 Definitions of the control variables

From: The effects of smoking, regular drinking, and unhealthy weight on health care utilization in China



Age group


Coded 1 if the individual is 16–24 years old and 0 otherwise


Coded 1 if the individual is 25–64 years old and 0 otherwise

  > =65

Coded 1 if the individual is > = 65 years old and otherwise


Coded 1 if the individual is male and 0 if female

Educational attainment


Coded 1 if the individual is illiterate or semiliterate and 0 otherwise

 Elementary school

Coded 1 if the individual attended elementary school and 0 otherwise

 Middle school

Coded 1 if the individual graduated from middle school and 0 otherwise

 High school

Coded 1 if the individual graduated from high school and 0 otherwise

 Above high school

Coded 1 if the individual graduated from above high school and 0 otherwise


Coded 1 if the individual is married and 0 otherwise

Urban residency

Coded 1 if the individual is an urban resident and 0 if a rural resident

Medical insurance coverage

Coded 1 if the individual is enrolled in a medical insurance scheme and 0 otherwise

Household income

Net household income (10,000 yuan); the CFPS measured comparable household income between 2010 to 2018


Coded 1 if the individual reported participating in an agricultural job, working for wages for an employer, or working for oneself rather than an employer; coded 0 if the individual reported being a temporary worker, retired, unemployed, or a student;

Health status


Coded 1 if the individual reported his or her health status as being poor and 0 otherwise


Coded 1 if the individual reported his or her health status as being fair and 0 otherwise


Coded 1 if the individual reported his or her heath status as being good, very good, or excellent and 0 otherwise

 Chronic diseases

Coded 1 if the individual has had doctor-diagnosed chronic diseases in the past 6 months and 0 otherwise

  1. Note: 1000 yuan is equal to approximately $150 USD