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Table 3 Data analysis process

From: Face mask uptake in the absence of mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study with Swiss residents


Analytic step



Manual interview tagging with SolPan coding scheme (Atlas.ti 9.0). Tagging was checked by a second researcher for consistency.

Coding scheme was inductively developed by the SolPan research commons [17] and consistently applied to all interviews


Automated interview tagging by key word search.

Key words used (in original language): Maske, Mund-Nasen-Schutz, Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung (mask, face nose protection, face nose covering)


Extraction of all quotations tagged with the code “FACE MASKS” from the tagging scheme

Export from Atlas.ti into a word document


Inductive development of preliminary research questions and data analysis framework (in excel) based on initial familiarization with data

First author (BZ); details presented in Supplementary file 1


Data analysis: structuring of data based on analytical framework, analytical memo

Second author (JE); data structuring in excel file, in parallel writing of analytical memo in word file


Inductive, descriptive presentation and organization of interview data

First author (BZ) based on JE’s work. See Supplementary file 1 for a more detailed overview


Iterative feedback among co-authors

Both written feedback and oral discussions


Mapping of descriptive themes with public health ethics framework

Abductive; inductive themes were mapped with existing public health framework. Preliminary research questions were adapted to give the analysis are more narrow and relevant focus. See Supplementary file 1 for more details


Iterative feedback among co-authors

Both written feedback and oral discussions