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Table 1 Distribution of participant characteristics (number with percent) according to education and income levels

From: Education, household income, and depressive symptoms in middle-aged and older Japanese adults


Education level

Household income (Yen/yr)

Junior high School

High school

Junior college

University or higher

P for trend


≥3,000,000; < 6,000,000

≥6,000,000; < 9,000,000


P for trend

N = 9478

N = 19,098

N = 6859

N = 3064


N = 12,986

N = 15,975

N = 6265

N = 3273


Male sex

4858 (51.3%)

9881 (51.7%)

2454 (35.8%)

2311 (75.4%)

< 0.0001

5913 (45.5%)

8659 (54.2%)

3274 (52.3%)

1658 (50.7%)

< 0.0001

Age (years)

  < 50

476 (5.0%)

4919 (25.8%)

2345 (34.2%)

904 (29.5%)

< 0.0001

2116 (16.3%)

4122 (25.8%)

1712 (27.3%)

694 (21.2%)

< 0.0001


1530 (16.1%)

6537 (34.2%)

2634 (38.4%)

1104 (36.0%)


3049 (23.5%)

4801 (30.1%)

2554 (40.8%)

1401 (42.8%)



5108 (53.9%)

6242 (32.7%)

1612 (23.5%)

843 (27.5%)


5749 (44.3%)

5491 (34.4%)

1616 (25.8%)

949 (29.0%)


  ≥ 70

2364 (24.9%)

1400 (7.3%)

268 (3.9%)

213 (7.0%)


2072 (16.0%)

1561 (9.8%)

383 (6.1%)

229 (7.0%)


Marital status


7486 (79.8%)

15,517 (81.6%)

5530 (80.9%)

2532 (83.0%)

< 0.00012

8877 (69.0%)

13,386 (84.2%)

5701 (91.3%)

3101 (94.9%)

< 0.00012

 Never married

552 (5.9%)

1518 (8.0%)

569 (8.3%)

310 (10.2%)


1597 (12.4%)

1084 (6.8%)

223 (3.6%)

45 (1.4%)


 Divorced, separated, or bereaved

1348 (14.4%)

1976 (10.4%)

736 (10.8%)

209 (6.9%)


2399 (18.6%)

1428 (9.0%)

321 (5.1%)

121 (3.7%)


Education level

 Junior high school






4879 (37.6%)

3353 (21.0%)

825 (13.2%)

421 (12.9%)

< 0.0001

 High school






5807 (44.7%)

8468 (53.0%)

3259 (52.0%)

1564 (47.8%)


 Junior college






1777 (13.7%)

2990 (18.7%)

1364 (21.8%)

728 (22.2%)


 University or higher






523 (4.0%)

1164 (7.3%)

817 (13.0%)

560 (17.1%)


Household income (Yen/yr)


4879 (51.5%)

5807 (30.4%)

1777 (25.9%)

523 (17.1%)

< 0.0001







3353 (35.4%)

8468 (44.3%)

2990 (43.6%)

1164 (38.0%)








825 (8.7%)

3259 (17.1%)

1364 (19.9%)

817 (26.7%)







  ≥ 9,000,000

421 (4.4%)

1564 (8.2%)

728 (10.6%)

560 (18.3%)








 Sales and service

1331 (14.2%)

3683 (19.4%)

1413 (20.7%)

439 (14.4%)

< 0.00013

2404 (18.7%)

3079 (19.4%)

930 (15.0%)

453 (13.9%)

< 0.00013

 Office work

117 (1.3%)

1957 (10.3%)

691 (10.1%)

368 (12.1%)


617 (4.8%)

1203 (7.6%)

845 (13.6%)

468 (14.4%)



1224 (13.0%)

3616 (19.1%)

2550 (37.4%)

1310 (42.9%)


1476 (11.5%)

3865 (24.4%)

2098 (33.7%)

1261 (38.8%)



2648 (28.2%)

4863 (25.6%)

705 (10.3%)

245 (8.0%)


3020 (23.4%)

3679 (23.2%)

1187 (19.1%)

575 (17.7%)


 No job or others

4066 (43.3%)

4853 (25.6%)

1463 (21.5%)

689 (22.6%)


5374 (41.7%)

4040 (25.5%)

1161 (18.7%)

496 (15.3%)




2791 (29.5%)

6195 (32.4%)

1754 (25.6%)

750 (24.5%)

< 0.0001

4078 (31.4%)

4650 (29.1%)

1851 (29.6%)

911 (27.8%)

< 0.0001


6687 (70.6%)

12,903 (67.6%)

5105 (74.4%)

2314 (75.5%)


8908 (68.6%)

11,325 (70.9%)

4414 (70.5%)

2362 (72.2%)


Disease history of


770 (8.1%)

1144 (6.0%)

384 (5.6%)

185 (6.0%)

< 0.0001

941 (7.3%)

975 (6.1%)

368 (5.9%)

199 (6.1%)


 Myocardial infarction

80 (0.8%)

107 (0.6%)

23 (0.3%)

20 (0.7%)


91 (0.7%)

93 (0.6%)

27 (0.4%)

19 (0.6%)



266 (2.8%)

352 (1.8%)

91 (1.3%)

58 (1.9%)

< 0.0001

365 (2.8%)

273 (1.7%)

88 (1.4%)

41 (1.3%)

< 0.0001


955 (10.1%)

1238 (6.5%)

334 (4.9%)

213 (7.0%)

< 0.0001

1085 (8.4%)

1058 (6.6%)

392 (6.3%)

205 (6.3%)

< 0.0001

Activities of daily living

 No disability

8595 (90.7%)

18,215 (95.4%)

6582 (96.0%)


< 0.0001

11,817 (91.0%)

15,221 (95.3%)

6092 (97.2%)


< 0.0001

 Having some disability4

809 (8.5%)

823 (4.3%)

261 (3.8%)

129 (4.2%)


1079 (8.3%)

701 (4.4%)

162 (2.6%)

80 (2.4%)


 Physically dependent5

74 (0.8%)

60 (0.3%)

16 (0.2%)

10 (0.3%)


90 (0.7%)

53 (0.3%)

11 (0.2%)

6 (0.2%)

  1. 1Professional includes professional and management; manual includes security, farming/forestry/fishery, transportation, and labour services
  2. 2Trend of married persons
  3. 3Trend of manual workers
  4. 4Having some disability, but can go out independently
  5. 5Having disability, and cannot go out without assistance