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Table 4 Supporting quotations for Theme 3

From: Wheel of Wellbeing (WoW) health promotion program: Australian participants report on their experiences and impacts

3. Increased flexibility across a range of settings

Easily adapted

“WoW is a framework that is quite flexible that it can be tailored to each individual group and incorporated into existing programs, through the way it is presented, it is tailored through its flexibility.” (P4)

Changing workplace cultures

“WoW challenges the systems, job descriptions and tasks, a lot of us in this space, it’s a very volatile space for employment. Our (WoW) practitioners are moving to other places and they bring WoW with them, changing the way things are done in organisations. It’s that humanness, connections and the way it (WoW) has profoundly affected us and that we enjoy doing it. It’s not really the structure telling us what to do so much anymore, it’s us trying to tell the structure what to do” (P.5).