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Table 1 Modules and concepts addressed in the training

From: Knowledge, attitudes and practices of health care providers trained in responding to violence against women: a pre- and post-intervention study

Knowledge, Attitudes and Preparedness

Themes covered in training

Topics included under themes

Knowledge and attitude oriented topics

Awareness about violence against women

Prevalence, forms, and health consequences of violence, VAW as a public health issue

Concepts related to violence against women

Difference between sex and gender, gender norms, patriarchy, intersectionality, myths about VAW

Role of HCPs in responding to VAW

Signs and symptoms indicating violence, legal mandate of healthcare providers in India, Identification by healthcare providers-ways to ask

Skills in clinical care

Establishing ideal response of HCPs

Provision of first line support – Listen, Inquiry, Validate, Enhanced Safety and Support (LIVES)

Documentation of cases