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Table 4 Regression: Factors associated with Zarit’s Burden Score – Parsimonious Model

From: Burden of informal care in stroke survivors and its determinants: a prospective observational study in an Asian setting


3-Months Point

12-Months Point

Number of Observations




Coefficient (95%-CI)

Coefficient (95%-CI)

Covariates: Patients

 Patient’s Age

  Patients’ age group: <= 50

  Patients’ age group: 51–65

0.25 (−0.15, 0.66)

− 0.28 (−1.05, 0.48)

  Patients’ age group: >  65

0.24 (− 0.18, 0.66)

−0.32 (−1.06, 0.42)

  Patients’ ethnicity: Chinese

− 0.05 (− 0.29, 0.19)

−0.03 (− 0.41, 0.35)

  Patients’ gender: Female

0.05 (− 0.27, 0.37)

−0.43 (− 0.87, 0.02)*

  Patients’: married

−0.34 (− 0.66, − 0.02)**

0.27 (− 0.2, 0.74)

 Ward class

  Ward class: A&B1

−0.47 (− 0.99, 0.06)*

−0.02 (− 0.72, 0.69)

  Ward class: B2

− 0.07 (− 0.34, 0.19)

0.13 (− 0.31, 0.56)

  Ward class: C

 Modified Rankin Scale

  Modified Rankin Scale: No symptom or disability

  Modified Rankin Scale: slight or moderate disability

0.27 (−0.002, 0.53)*

0.47 (0.002, 0.94)**

  Modified Rankin Scale: moderate severe or severe disability

0.60 (0.29, 0.91)***

0.75 (0.29, 1.21)***



0.69 (0.23, 1.16)***


0.34 (0.09, 0.58)***


Covariates: Caregivers

 Caregivers’ Age

  Caregivers’ age group: <= 50

  Caregivers’ age group: 51–65

0.05 (−0.23, 0.32)

0.35 (−0.11, 0.81)

  Caregivers’ age group: >  65

− 0.28 (− 0.64, 0.09)

0.33 (− 0.21, 0.87)

  Caregivers’ gender: Female

0.39 (0.04, 0.75)**

0.61 (0.09, 1.14)**

  Caregivers’ work status: full-time workers

0.29 (0.05, 0.54)**


  Co-care with foreign domestic workers

−0.62 (− 0.97, − 0.28)***


  1. Notes: * Significant at 0.10; ** significant at 0.05; *** significant at 0.01
  2. Caregivers in this table means the corresponding informal caregivers who were assisting informal caregivers at the same time
  3. “NA” means the independent variable was not included in the parsimonious model. The independent variables were omitted in the table if they were included in none of the parsimonious model. Please refer to the Supplemental Material for the results from the full model
  4. “- “indicates the reference category