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Table 2 Primary and secondary outcome measure results

From: The older prisoner health and social care assessment and plan (OHSCAP) versus treatment as usual: a randomised controlled trial


TAU (n = 202)

OHSCAP (n = 202)

Relative risk or mean difference (95% CI)

95% CI

Primary Outcome

 Total no. unmet need

2.06 (2.114)

2.03 (2.066)

0.088 a-0.078 b

−0.276 to 0.449

− 2.16 to 0.061

 OHSCAP bespoke total




− 3.996 to 4.231

 GDS scale

 0–5 normal

135 (67%)

142 (70%)


0.617 to

 6–15 depressive symp.

67 (31%)

59 (29%)



  1. aLinear regression with bootstrapping bPoisson model