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Table 3 Leadership-level Intervention: Contact Points with Leadership Representatives

From: Implementation of an organizational intervention to improve low-wage food service workers’ safety, health and wellbeing: findings from the Workplace Organizational Health Study


Contact Points



Project Introduction and Module Coordination

Two in-person meetings

Senior VPs representing Health and Safety, Human Resources and Operations

Introduce study; co-develop a shared vision for the intervention; identify potential internal resources

Safety and Ergonomics, Work Intensity, Job Enrichment

Four telephone meetings

District Managers

Quarterly meetings for reviewing module assessment reports, identifying internal resources for addressing site level priorities, supporting Site Manager participation

Safety and Ergonomics (S&E)

Two in-person meetings

Two telephone meetings

Health and Safety leadership

Provide input on the development of the S&E walkthrough assessment; align priorities with ongoing internal safety audits; review aggregate walkthrough findings; identify existing company resources and opportunities for addressing areas identified for improvement

Work Intensity (WI)

Four telephone meetings

Human Resources and Operations leadership

Review and discuss policies, practices and resources; explore challenges and opportunities to address WI across sites

Job Enrichment (JE)

Five telephone meetings

One in-person meeting

Human Resources and Operations leadership

Review available tools and resources and consider adaptations for use with frontline workers; identify opportunities to highlight performance goals and career advancement