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Table 1 Monthly Lesson Topicsa

From: Feasibility and acceptability of a peer youth led curriculum to improve HIV knowledge in Northern Tanzania: resilience and intervention experience from the perspective of peer leaders

Monthly Lesson Topics

 1. Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of HIV

 2. Clinical Manifestations of HIV

 3. HIV Therapy

 4. Monitoring HIV Infection – CD4 vs viral load

 5. Career Day: Professionals living with HIV share their success stories (not peer-led)

 6. HIV transmission and prevention

 7. Food and Water Safety, Nutrition, and Permaculture

 8. Stigma and Discrimination

 9. ART Adherence

 10. Alcohol and Drugs

 11. Sexual and Reproductive Health (taught by a nurse)

 12. Disclosure of HIV Status

  1. aAdapted with permission from Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative