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Table 5 Direct, Indirect and Total Standardized Effects as Results from Path Model on Adolescent and Young Adult Eating Disorder Symptoms (N = 8117) Predicted by Age, Sex, Parental SES, Body Image, Self-efficacy, Social Media Use, Social Support and Mediated via Discrimination Experiences

From: The role of weight- and appearance-related discrimination on eating disorder symptoms among adolescents and emerging adults


Direct effect

Indirect effect

Total effect


β (SE)


β (SE)


β (SE)


Outcome: ED symptoms (R2 = .13)


−.05 (.001)


<.01 (<.001)


−.04 (.001)



.14 (.009)


.01 (.001)


.16 (.009)


 Parental SES

.02 (.007)


−.01 (.001)


.01 (.007)


 Body image

.19 (.007)


.05 (.003)


.24 (.007)



−.05 (.001)


−.01 (<.001)


−.06 (.001)


 Social media use

.07 (.003)


.01 (.001)


.08 (.003)


 Social support

−.02 (.001)


−.02 (.001)


−.03 (.001)


 Weight-related discrimination

.11 (.006)


.11 (.006)


 Appearance-related discrimination

.04 (.006)


.04 (.006)


Outcome: Weight-related discrimination (R2 = .17)


.01 (.002)


.01 (.002)



.07 (.018)


.07 (.018)


 Parental SES

−.03 (.015)


−.03 (.015)


 Body image

.37 (.014)


.37 (.014)



−.04 (.001)


−.04 (.001)


 Social media use

.05 (.007)


.05 (.007)


 Social support

−.08 (.001)


−.08 (.001)


Outcome: Appearance-related discrimination (R2 = .10)


−.01 (.002)


−.01 (.002)



.07 (.018)


.07 (.018)


 Parental SES

−.04 (.014)


−.04 (.014)


 Body image

.17 (.011)


.17 (.011)



−.12 (.001)


−.12 (.001)


 Social media use

.04 (.006)


.04 (.006)


 Social support

−.15 (.001)


−.15 (.001)


  1. Note. ED = eating disorder; SES = socioeconomic status. Significant results at p < .05 are highlighted in boldface. Model fit indices: R2 = .27, χ2 = 6151.19, CFI = 1.00, RMSEA < .001