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Table 1 Reactions to Race constructs included in the South Carolina Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2016–2017

From: Who declines to respond to the reactions to race module?: findings from the South Carolina Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2016–2017

RTRM Construct

Survey Question

Response Categories

Socially-assigned race

How do other people usually classify you in this country? Would you say: White, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaska Native, or some other group?

1: White

2: Black or African American

3: Hispanic or Latino

4: Asian

5: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

6: American Indian or Alaska Native

7: Don’t know/Not sure

8: Some Other Group

9: Refused

Race consciousness

How often do you think about your race? Would you say never, once a year, once a month, once a week, once a day, once an hour, or constantly?

1: Never

2: Once a year

3: Once a month

4: Once a week

5: Once a day

6: Once an hour

7: Don’t know/Not sure

8: Constantly

9: Refused

Differential treatment

Within the past 12 months at work, do you feel you were treated worse than, the same as, or better than people of other races?

1: Worse than other races

2: The same as other races

3: Better than other races

4: Worse than some races, better than others

5: Only encountered people of the same race

7: Don’t know/Not sure

9: Refused

Within the past 12 months, when seeking health care, do you feel your experiences were worse than, the same as, or better than for people of other races?

1: Worse than other races

2: The same as other races

3: Better than other races

4: Worse than some races, better than others

5: Only encountered people of the same race

6: No health care in past 12 months

7: Don’t know/Not sure

9: Refused

Reactions to differential treatment

Within the past 30 days, have you experienced any physical symptoms, for example, a headache, an upset stomach, tensing of your muscles, or a pounding heart, as a result of how you were treated based on your race?

1: Yes

2: No

7: Don’t know/Not Sure

9: Refused

Within the past 30 days, have you felt emotionally upset, for example angry, sad, or frustrated, as a result of how you were treated based on your race?