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Table 1 Assessment of socioeconomic, lifestyle, environmental, psychosocial and child and birth-related determinants

From: Determinants of maternal health four weeks after delivery: cross-sectional findings from the KUNO-kids health study

Social factors

Response options

Socioeconomic factors (assessed within two days after delivery)


Age (years)


Single mother

-yes (living alone, divorced, widowed, married but separated)

-no (married, living with a partner)

Health insurance

- statutory

- private

- other (statutory and additional private, no insurance)

Maternal educational status

- < 10 years of education (Haupt/Volksschulabschluss)

- 10 years of education (Realschulabschluss, Polytechnische Oberschule)

- > 10 years of education (Abitur, Fachhochschulreife)

- other (other type of graduation, not graduated yet, left school without graduation)

Employment status before maternity leave

- employed (fulltime employed, part time employed)

- unemployed

Occupational group

- employee

- worker

- in training

- self-employed

- civil servant

- graduate in liberal profession

Migration background

- yes

- no

Psychosocial factors (assessed within two days after delivery)


Social support index (F-Sozu)1


Psychosocial factors (assessed four weeks after delivery)


Subjective position within society (Mac Arthur-Scale)


Experienced social and emotional strains

- yes

- no


-  Personal limitations


-  Parental competence


-  Parent-child bond


Environmental and lifestyle factors (assessed four weeks after delivery)

Size of current residence (m2)


Persons living in the household


Humidity stains on the walls

- yes

- no

Smoker inside the house

- yes

- no

Drinking alcohol 1 year before pregnancy

- yes

- no

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy

- yes

- no

Drinking alcohol since delivery

- yes

- no

Smoker lifetime (> 100 cigarettes)

- yes

- no

Smoking during pregnancy

- yes

- no

Smoking since delivery

- yes

- no

Lifestyle factors (assessed within two days after delivery)



- underweight (> 18.4 kg/m2)

- normal (18.5–24.9 kg/m2)

- overweight (20.1–29.9 kg/m2)

- obese (> 30 kg/m2)

Physical activity

- regularly: more than 1 h per week

- none or rather seldom: less than 1 h per week


- healthy: vegetables (not boiled) and/or fruits almost every day

- rather unhealthy

Health care utilization (assessed within two days after delivery)


Doctors’ consultations during pregnancy


History of psychiatric diseases (depression, ADHD, anorexia, bulimia, panic attack)

- yes

- no

History of somatic diseases (allergy, asthma, atopic dermatitis, Crohn’s disease, Colitis ulcerosa, psoriasis, psoriasis arthritis, rheumatic arthritis, other autoimmune diseases, diabetes, liver- or kidney diseases, thyroid diseases, cancer, thrombosis, arrythmia, heart attack, heart failure, hypertension, pyelonephritis, metabolic diseases, migraine, multiple sclerosis, peripheral nerve paralysis, epilepsy, meningitis, encephalitis)

- yes

- no

Birth related factors (assessed within two days after delivery)

Birth mode

First child

- yes

- no

Preterm delivery

- yes

- no

Season of birth

- winter (September–February)

- summer (March–August)

Child related factors (assessed four weeks after delivery)

AS child health



- yes

- no

  1. 1Only two missings acceptable, the mean value was calculated out of the remaining items.
  2. 2only one missing acceptable, the missing variable was replaced by the mean value of the remaining two items.