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Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics of respondents (n = 994)

From: Exploring the beliefs and perceptions of spending time in nature among U.S. youth

Self-reported characteristics

n (%)

Age (years), mean (SD)

18.9 (2.7)

 Age range




440 (44.3)


471 (47.4)

 Other Gendera

82 (8.3)


 Non-Hispanic White

569 (57.4)

 Non-Hispanic Black

81 (8.2)


129 (13.0)

 Non-Hispanic Other

213 (21.5)

Participant education level

 Less than high schoolb

394 (39.7)

 High school grad

146 (14.7)

 Some college or tech school

291 (29.3)

 Associate’s or tech grad

33 (3.3)

 Bachelor’s degree or higher

129 (13.0)



336 (32.9)


162 (16.3)


282 (28.5)


211 (21.3)

Eligible for free or reduced school lunch


361 (36.6)


624 (63.4)

  1. aIncludes participants that self-identified as transgender, nonbinary or other
  2. bIncludes participants still in high school