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Table 5 Rotated Factor Loadings – Attitudes Items

From: Assessing the reliability and validity of attitudes and confidence scales for the care of women and girls affected by female genital mutilation/cutting


Negative Attitudes Toward FGM/C and Those Who Practice FGM/C

Empathetic Attitudes Toward FGM/C and Those Who Practice FGM/C

FGM/C is a violation of human rights



Health Care Providers who perform any form of FGM/C, including symbolic nicking, should be charged with a crime



Communities that practice FGM/C are oppressive towards women



Parents who have their daughter circumcised are abusing them



Women who have undergone FGM/C are victims of an oppressive cultural practice



Symbolic nicking or cutting of the female genitalia is an effective way to reduce the harm of FGM/C compared to more extensive procedures



Adult women have the right to undergo FGM/C



Communities that practice FGM/C are honoring an important cultural tradition



Parents who have their daughter circumcised are protecting her future marriage prospects



Women who have undergone FGM/C are empowered agents



Cronbach’s Alpha




Health care providers should perform reinfibulation (re-closing of the vulvar scar following childbirth) if the woman requests it

