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Table 7 Multinomial regression analysis to compare respondents’ acceptance towards male Wolbachia-Aedes release and their perception of the Government’s efforts in controlling dengue

From: Public sentiments towards the use of Wolbachia-Aedes technology in Singapore

Release site 2_TW

Perception of Government’s efforts in controlling dengue

Extremely inadequate/ inadequate



OR (p)

Adequate OR (p)

Extremely adequate

OR (p)

Acceptance towards male Wolbachia-Aedes release

Very uncomfortable/ uncomfortable

6.74 (0.02)


2.01 (0.26)

2.25 (0.37)

Neutral (Reference)



2.41 (0.17)


3.35 (0.0006)

2.14 (0.17)

Very comfortable

0.0004 (0.95)


1.58 (0.52)

12.0 (0.002)

Release site 3_NSE

Perception of Government’s efforts in controlling dengue

Extremely inadequate/inadequate



OR (p)


OR (p)

Extremely adequate

OR (p)

Acceptance towards male Wolbachia-Aedes release

Very uncomfortable/ uncomfortable

9.0 (0.03)


1.42 (0.62)

3.0 (0.23)

Neutral (Reference)



1.74 (0.52)


2.79 (0.01)

2.90 (0.09)

Very comfortable

12.0 (0.08)


4.42 (0.18)

12.0 (0.048)

  1. *“Neutral” is taken as reference for acceptance towards male Wolbachia-Aedes release and perception of the Government’s efforts