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Table 3 Instrument to measure racism, type, severity and time of exposition

From: Impact of racism and discrimination on physical and mental health among Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples living in Australia: a systematic scoping review

Study ID


Type of racism and direct or indirect

Instrument to measure racism

Time of exposition

Severity of Exposition

Cave et al. (2019) [47]

Caregiver-perceived racial discrimination is associated with diverse mental health outcomes in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged 7–12 years.

Interpersonal/direct, caregiver perceived

Has the kid been bullied or treated unfairly at preschool or school by children or adults because they were Aboriginal?

No specified

No specified

Paradies et al. (2012) [52]

The DRIUD study: exploring mediating pathways between racism and depressive symptoms among Indigenous Australians.

Interpersonal/ direct, self-reported

Measure of Indigenous Racism Experiences (MIRE)

No specified

Number of Settings

Paradies et al. (2012) [53]

The DRIUD study: racism and self-assessed health status in an indigenous population

Interpersonal/ direct, self-reported

Measure of Indigenous Racism Experiences (MIRE)

No specified

Number of Settings

Macedo et al. (2019) [48]

Effects of racism on the socio-emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal Australian children

Interpersonal/ direct, caregiver perceived

Has the child been bullied or treated unfairly at school because he/she is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?

-No information on timing of racism exposure.

-Cohort K outcomes measured 2 years after info of racism collected.

-Cohort B outcomes measured 1 year after info of racism was collected

No examined

Temple et al. (2019) [49]

Experiences of Racism among Older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People: Prevalence, Sources, and Association with Mental Health

Interpersonal and Institutional / direct, Self-reported

In the last 12 months have you had any of the following experiences because you are Indigenous? (prompts card with options displayed) In which situation where you treated unfairly? How often?

In the previous 12 months

Frequency: always, often, sometimes, rarely, once

Kelaher et al. (2014) [55]

Experiencing racism in health care: the mental health impacts for Victorian Aboriginal communities

Interpersonal / direct, self-reported

Survey about types of interpersonal racism experienced in the past 12 months and in what settings

In the previous 12 months

No specified

Shepherd et al. (2017) [50]

The impact of racial discrimination on the health of Australian Indigenous children aged 5–10 years: analysis of national longitudinal data

interpersonal/ indirect and direct, reported by carer

Have you been treated unfairly, discriminated or treated badly because you are Aboriginal or TSI? How often does your family experience racism, discrimination or prejudice?

has the study child been bullied or treated unfairly at school because he/she is Aboriginal or TSI?

No specified

Time limited: just in one wave Persistent: in multiple waves

Larson et al. (2007) [57]

It’s enough to make you sick: The impact of racism on the health of aboriginal Australians

Interpersonal / direct, self-reported

Within the past four weeks have you felt emotionally upset as a result of how you were treated because of your race? Within the past four weeks have you experienced any physical stress or symptoms as a result of how you were treated because of your race?

Within the past 4 weeks

No specified

Markwick et al. (2019) [34]

Perceived racism may partially explain the gap in health between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Victorians: A cross-sectional population-based study

No specified / direct, self-reported

How often, if at all, have you received unfair treatment in the last 12 months because you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? In the last 12 months, have you experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly because of your racial, ethnic, cultural or religious background?

In the previous 12 months

Never, at least yearly, at least monthly: association with health not reported only for Aboriginals

Cave et al. (2019) [51]

Racial discrimination and the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children: Does the timing of first exposure matter?

Interpersonal/ caregiver perceived

Has the kid been bullied or treated unfairly at preschool or school by children or adults because he/she is aboriginal? has the kid been bullied or treated unfairly? If yes was it for being Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?

No specified

No examined

Priest et al. (2011) [56]

Racism and health among urban Aboriginal young people

No specified / direct, self-reported.

Do you feel discriminated against because you are Koori? (Not at all and a little / some, quite a bit or a lot)

No specified

Amount: analysis with outcomes not reported

Priest et al. (2011) [59]

Racism as a determinant of social and emotional wellbeing for aboriginal Australian youth

No specified / direct, self-reported.

Have you been treated unfairly or discriminated against because you are Aboriginal? (little bit/fair bit and lots)

No specified

Amount: analysis with outcomes not reported