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Table 1 Summary of Study specific challenges underpinning the implementation framework and associated recommendations

From: Challenges and lessons learnt from the ENJOY project: recommendations for future collaborative research implementation framework with local governments for improving the environment to promote physical activity for older people

Study specific challenges underpinning the implementation framework

Lessons learnt and future recommendations

Partner/provider characteristics

Local government structure and communication

Departments within local governments sometimes work in silos, with lack of reciprocal communication in the process of the park revitalisation plan

Understand the structure within the Council and identify the relevant teams/departments in the initial planning phase (Infrastructure and Active Ageing)

Early identification of which department will be responsible for site management

Partnership agreement

A formal agreement is recommended to seal commitment and expectations of both parties

Policy for shade cover for playground

Often lack of funding and policy can hinder installation of safe shade cover

Educate and advocate to Council staff to adopt/update shade policy and ensure urban planners incorporate shade into outdoor site design

Timing flexibility and budget constraints

Lack of alignment between research conduct timing and site construction work

Advanced planning should take place while taking into account the lengthy internal process required by local governments

Adapt a flexible approach to the study design for a realistic and practical execution

Community factors

Priority area for safe use of specialised outdoor equipment

Equipment might be used by other age groups which can create clashes and safety risks for older people

Priority signage at the site and clear communication are needed to create public awareness for safe usage of all age groups

Community engagement and seniors involvement

Encourage engagement of senior ambassadors and involvement of end users throughout the research project

Promotion and communication strategies specific for older people

Online platforms might not be accessible by older people

Identification of strategies that are relevant for older people for better community reach are recommended