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Table 1 Ideational Variables

From: Understanding family planning outcomes in northwestern Nigeria: analysis and modeling of social and behavior change factors



Likert-scale statement or question

Definition (from Kincaid et al)



- Contraception benefit for children?

- Contraception benefits for self?

- Side effects from using contraception are normal and usually go away in a few months.

- A woman’s body is not ready for childbirth until she is 18.

- Women over 35 have a higher risk of complications during pregnancy and shortly after birth.


Beliefs (attitude)

- Couples who use a modern contraception have better quality of life.

Beliefs about an object or behavior

Values (attitude)

- Do you personally approve of using contraception for spacing births?

- It is important that husbands and wives discuss contraception.

Values that specify its positive or negative consequences

Contraceptive Myths

- Use of some contraceptives can make a woman permanently infertile.

- Contraceptives can harm a woman’s womb.

- Contraceptives can reduce a man’s sexual urge.

- Contraceptives reduce a woman’s sexual urge.

- Contraceptives can cause cancer.

- Contraceptives can give you deformed babies.

- Women who use contraception end up with health problems.

- Women who use contraceptives may become promiscuous.


Subjective Norms

- People will call you bad names if they know you use contraception.

- q326 Religious leaders should speak publicly about modern contraception.

- Most couples in my community use modern methods for spacing.

What an individual thinks others expect him/her to do as well as what an individual thinks other people are doing (social norms)



- How confident are you to convince your husband/partner to use modern FP?

- How confident are you to use a modern method even if your partner disagrees?

Beliefs in one’s capability to organize and execute the course of action required to manage prospective situations.


Social influence

- Who decides if you use a contraceptive method? (self alone, partner, both)

- Besides yourself, who else influences your decision to use family planning? (husband, mother-in-law, mother, health care provider)

Encompasses all interpersonal processes by which other people persuade someone to behave a certain way, as well as influence that occurs by social modeling by others